
Explore endless features with Contentder

We provide you with the best of the best so that you can design, customize,
brand and sell through your website.

Get Started

Multipurpose eCommerce Stores

Exhibit all the products from your shops to your own online store so that you can reach out to a wider audience and increase your customer reach. Track and manage all your products, orders, inventories and payment from a single platform.


Seamless online
store in a few minutes

From adding products to managing orders, shipping and payment, your fully-functional online store will be ready to launch in a matter of minutes.


Retail operations
with proper intelligence

Get a quick scan of your store analytics from a single glance. Always be up to date on your sales, orders, product, shipping and payment records.


Run business
with confidence

Sit back and relax as your business runs flawlessly on the front end all the while handling the heavy traffic, security issues and online orders in the backend.

Powerful Websites for your Business

Setup your digital identity and transform your business onto the online platform with our easy to use, flexible website builder. You have the leverage to design and customize all the features and scale your website to where you want.


Limitless design
with visual layout editor

The design possibilities are endless with the Contentder editor. The wide range of powerful tools lets you create a unique and perfect website.


Customizable features
to meet design needs

Our top-class features make every drag and drop, settings and other actions smooth and effortless giving designers a free canvas to design.


Update the data
with inline editor

Our inline editor is packed with powerful functionalities allowing you to manage all the content data and their settings right then and there.

Personal and Modern Blogs

Bring out the creativity hidden in your minds and tell your stories through our beautiful blogs. We have everything you need to create, manage and share blog posts so that you can connect with your ideal audience.


Create content
with creative editor

Blogs are all about expressing views and displaying your creativity. Our in-built creative editor provides you with a space to exhibit the most out of your brilliant minds.


layout handler

Our adjustable layouts present you with a variety of options to change the look of your blog whenever you want to present it in a fresh manner.


Manage assets
with inbuilt media manager

Upload high quality images, videos and other media files into our own media store and easily access them whenever required. You can also edit the media files according to your need and upload them into your blog.

A Complete Professional News Portal

Newspapers along with the print media has become outdated only to be replaced by e-papers and online news website. With Contentder, you can now create a full-fledged dynamic news website fittingly ideal for this evolving digital world.


Create dynamic
news with news editor

This flexible and navigable news editor presents you with a dynamic forefront applicable to any and all kinds of news publishing.


Workflow for
news publishing

All the roles present for a news portal – reporter, editor, publisher and admin are fluently managed so that each news report is properly verified and then only published.


Manage assets
with inbuilt media manager

The media files required in your news can be stored in our inbuilt media store where you can edit them before use and also store them for future usage.